
By TonyG

Last Fling

Campanula cochlearifolia throwing a few late flowers, much as it might high in the mountains of Europe where it grows wild.  Mine has proved long lived and well flowered over many years but this year has been rather overgrown by assorted annuals seeding rather too well, particularly Love in a Mist.  This diminutive relative of the Harebell is something of a nomad, running along under the stony topdressing on the raised bed that is it's current home.  The whole bed needs sorting out.  It's four years since I planted it so it's done well but a few difficult to extract weeds have got in and while some of the planting has died out,  others have done well, too well in one or two instances.  A project for Autumn ... if I get enough days off!

A slow start and a quiet day, even the short shift at Aber Cafe - two of us covered half a day each for someone dealing with a family emergency - was pretty quiet.  I sat for an hour once home before preparing a cooked dinner that will last me three days ... one with a pastry top :-)   I left the meat cooking slowly while I took the dogs for a run at the ball field and added the pastry top when I got back.  As the oven was on I prepared a baked sponge for pudding which cooked while I ate the main.   

Quiet night in and a day whole off tomorrow.  No big plans, I need a quiet one but will doubtless find a few things to do!

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