
By Wildwood

Arts District Mural

It's been a busy day and it's not over yet. We were a little late getting to Cafe Frida, but it was a full complement and Bob, who hasn't been there lately showed up...he says because 'when Jennie orders it I must listen.' I didn't exactly order it but I DID tell him I would be mad at him if he kept blowing us off. Spike now hears Mamadou's voice and starts lobbying for his puppaccino which was forthcoming. Dan and Tobi came without Trixie and when asked about it, they said they 'forgot' her. She and their new cat Jackson are great buddies and run around the house fighting playing with each other. They had some wonderful pictures of the action ending with a shot of them curled up together.

Our friends got here on their way home from Sea Ranch and we enjoyed a pleasant lunch together, talking about mutual friends and catching up. As the saying goes, it was if we were last together just yesterday. It sounds like not much has changed there. I miss being able to walk everywhere, including to Star Grocery, Peet's coffee and the health club at the Claremont Hotel, but I don't miss much else, especially the traffic, the university slowly taking over the town and the fog. Now they say Peet's isn't what it used to be, but the Claremont has some nice amenities, including a couple of casual cafes and an outdoor exercise pavilion. 

Tonight we're going to the neighbors' for dinner. I'm making a quilt for her, but she doesn't want to see it until it's finished, but I might show her a picture just to make sure she likes the colors.

It's been quite the grande finale to an otherwise fairly quiet week.

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