Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

You won’t believe that we were "left home all alone" by the HCBs when they went off to a wedding yesterday!  Of course, we rifled the cupboards for food and found lots of goodies - including crisps, chocolate and chocolate biscuits.  We think Mr. HCB was hiding them from you-know-who, who is a self-confirmed chocoholic - well, Mrs. HCB is going to get shock if she looks for them, because they are ALL GONE!

They should know better than to leave us on our own, because we invited all our friends over and had a whale of a time - we know that’s silly and it would have made dear Admirer smile - but we made sure that no damage was done and all the furniture was put back where it was before, so the HCBs won’t suspect anything at all.

We did ask Lyn next door if she would like to come to our party, but she said she had other things to do, which is a shame because she organises a good party.  However, we will went ahead and had a party, with lots of silly games and a lovely barbecue too.  

We heard that the HCBs had a great time at the wedding and were partying until almost midnight - how silly is that at their age?  However, they have just got back and to show them that we were a bit miffed to be left on our own, we found the front door key and were waiting for them when the car pulled onto the drive.  Ha ha - that gave them quite a shock - in fact, we heard Mrs. HCB say to the Mr. “I’m sure we closed that front door before we left - I hope no-one got in and found the stash of chocolate!”  

Anyway, they are back now, which is good - we are looking forward to a good lunch with them so they can tell us all about the wedding.

Mrs. HCB did tell us, while she was preparing lunch, that they met some lovely people at the wedding and that she also did a bit of dancing - we would like to have seen that!

She also said that after breakfast this morning they met three lovely ladies, Viv, the Mum, and her two daughters, Charlotte and Danielle.  Mrs. HCB told us that she saw them about to take a selfie, so she asked if they would like her to take a photograph of the three of them  in front of the hotel, which they did.  Then they were chatting for ages, she said while Mr. HCB was watching an egret on the lake - and I’m sure he found that much more interesting than chatting with FOUR ladies.  You can see a photograph of them at the top of this collage - we were sorry that they HCBs didn’t take us with them, then we could have met these lovely ladies in person - ah well, we did have a good party!

We know we don’t need to remind you to BE KIND, because kindness has a way of multiplying.  If you are kind to one person, they will pass it on and it might very well be passed on and on and on.....go on BE KIND to someone today - let’s start a KINDNESS epidemic!

MRS. HCB asked us to thank you for your lovely comments for her Blips on Friday and said she will try and catch up after lunch!

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

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