I Witness

By KangaZu

Flower Friday ...

... Imperfect Giant Swallowtail.

So much happened today ... and lots of pictures taken ... that I could have easily put together a collage of all the events.

But in the interest of time I've processed only this one picture of a Giant Swallowtail Butterfly enjoying the Mexican sunflower.

A few days ago we were informed that a construction company was going to be resurfacing/paving our street today. It was actually supposed to be yesterday but they didn't show up then.  But today they were here and the work began.  The equipment they used to resurface and pave our streets were amazing.  Lots of heavy equipment and machinery ... quite impressive.  As our street is a dead end street we didn't make any plans to go anywhere while they were working on our street. Although Richard did have an early morning appointment that he went out to without any problems getting by the workers. 

And in the midst of all this our Beloved neighbor had a medical emergency and was taken out in an ambulance.  I saw this unfold and I wanted to go out to make sure she was okay but it was early and I was still in my night clothes.  We later found out from her daughter that she was having extreme stomach pains and had to have emergency surgery to repair an hole in her stomach.  OUCH!  She will be in the hospital for several days but is doing okay at time I'm posting this on Saturday morning.  

Thanks to Anni for keeping Friday's beautiful. 

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