Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

A lovely plant on a miserable day

A pretty unpleasant day today - wet and windy. We went down for fresh fish, as usual, then I popped along to the Corran Halls to do a final measure up for the flower bed which Keep Oban Beautiful has agreed to replant. After that I've stayed indoors. 

I spent a lot of time going through over 270 photographs which I took on a Blipmeet in and around Brick Lane in London, back in 2016. It's an amazing place for photography, street photography in particular. I've put one on as an extra, though it's eight years old! 

I popped out into the garden briefly to see if there was anything worthy of a Blip - this is an overhead view of one of my favourite shrubs. It's Schefflera macrophylla, native to Southern Yunnan and N. Vietnam, and on the edge of hardiness here. It gets a little foliage damage in a cold winter and I had to move it to a more sheltered place a couple of years ago. I think I've Blipped it before - it was grown from seed collected by my late friend Jamie Taggart in Vietnam - on his second trip there he fell down a cliff and his body wasn't found for two years, so this plant is very special to me and I love watching its new growth every year.

Quote of the Day: 'I'm really quite simple. I plant flowers and watch them grow... I stay at home and watch the river flow.' - George Harrison.

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