Everyday Life

By Julez

Five Swans A-Swimming

This morning I thought I'd overslept by loads, but it was only just gone 8 o'clock when I woke up, it just felt later.

Last night's rugby was a very good, convincing win for Wigan at home to Leeds. Good to see after the shellacking they gave us a few weeks back. Still have to win next week against Salford to be sure of being League Leaders though.

Brian was at work but it was a steady morning for me. I did have last night's washing up to do, as the excitement of the rugby made me forget to do them.

Once Brian was home and we'd had lunch we decided to go out to Fiskerton Fen to look for our Blips. There were a few white butterflies and dragonflies around, but it was otherwise pretty quiet. That didn't matter as it was warm and sunny, the air felt fresh and clean and it was just a delight to be out walking in the wilds of nature.

My Blip is a little family of swans we saw on the drain that runs alongside the river. I've added an extra of a Rose Bedeguar gall on a wild rose bush. (Robin's Pincushion) It's not a type of gall that is harmful to the plant, and contains wasp larvae.

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