
By Farmerboab

Back on the move again....

A bit of rain last night then some drizzle this morning. The combine was needing repaired as a drive shaft joint was on its way out so wasn't as bad as a break down when the weather is good !
Kev spent the day hauling the rest of the silage bales up the road. A few deep wheel marks in the field in the softer parts,but could have been a lot worse.
I nipped down to Haddington to hand the VAT stuff into the accountant, then back up the road ,stopping in to feed the heifers and check the straw on the way. Still a bit raw to bale, so left Kev on the silage bales and I carted in barley when the combine got going again. We had just put the last load into my trailer about 6.30 pm when the rain started again. Now have lots of wet straw, and the rest of the barley and oats won't be ready to cut for about a fortnight .
The extra was a nice rainbow over my spring oats this morning

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