Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Dipped in Sweetness

If you expand this image you will see that the moth's proboscis is covered in pollen, reminding me of tiny sugar crystals.  It's getting late in the season for Hummingbird Clearwing Moths so I know that this could well be the last one I see this season.  I chose this shot out of my several final picks because I like the motion in the wings.  I think even people who are not fond of insects might find a lot to like in this beautiful creature.

And in Extra, one of at least three hummingbirds (the avian kind) who are zooming around the garden today.

A long-time friend of my husband's came for a visit today which was very nice.  They went to a local farmer's market while Jax and I stayed in the garden; then we three (minus Jax) went out for a leisurely lunch lakeside.  Unfortunately, the noise level at the restaurant was such that I came home very tired so I went for a little lie-down in the quiet while the guys went to a car show and then gabbed for a while on the patio.  Mike left and now hubs is having a little snooze while Jax and I sit on the deck.

Thinks are moving very quickly now with the monarch caterpillars with 8 of the remaining 11 either spinning their silk pads or already j-hanging.  Two remaining "bigs" and the runt of the bunch are still eating.  I estimate at least another 4-5 days before the smallest is ready to pupate.  I brought him in from the garden so not totally certain he has not been parasitized.  We will see.  But in the meantime, in roughly 2 weeks, I will have 18 or 19 monarchs to send on their way.

A quiet night planned.  We are finishing up a miniseries on Netflix called "Safe" based on the book by Harlan Corbin.  It is full of twists and turns and has been very enjoyable to watch. And although I have read the book, I can't remember the ending.  

Dark with ginger.


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