Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Busy, busy

After another disturbed night - I've moved on to coughing rather than my nose leaking like a tap!- I woke to my alarm at 8. 30 as Ali had said they would come over. Much as I love them I was delighted to find a text saying they weren't coming till 11. 30! I went back to sleep!
We had lunch when they arrived then both girls went for a nap as did Ali and I. I can't believe how sleepy I am just now.
When we woke up, Ali popped down to Sainsbury's and left the girls with us. Josie had a great time playing with the Duplo while Josie enjoyed her caterpillar and these magnetic creatures. The two of them played with minimal input for two hours! I was astounded. It sounds like they were ignored, but they were both so engrossed in their own activities with occasional interactions with each other and didn't need adult intervention. Bonnie had cushions around her in case she tumbled but has such good sitting balance that on the couple of occasions when she leaned too far forward and her nose hit the deck she sat herself up again quite happily, laughing all the while .
Josie is very excited that she is going to be three next week and is having a party with a rainbow cake. Even better the next day white is going to go to Isobel's party too, she will be eight.
They had an early tea with their mum then headed off home again. I do enjoy having them so close by.

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