
By ayearinthelife


Ulverston Lantern Festival has been held around this time of year since the late 1980s, yet I have never been to see it in the 30 plus years we have lived in the Lakes.
But that oversight was remedied tonight. Despite a less than favourable forecast, we decided to go and see what it was all about. We parked on the edge of Ulverston and walked in to the centre, to avoid the risk of being trapped by one of the several road closures in space.
We watched the lanterns assemble in County Square (they set off from four different locations) and then followed them into Ford Park, where there was a superb fireworks display to end the night.
Very glad we went - it really was a lovely event that was well supported and well organised. Even the weather was kind, as the only rain we had was a light drizzle after the procession had reached the park. The lanterns came in all sizes from small ones carried by the children to ones like the dinosaur in the picture that required several people to carry it. The nice thing is that these lanterns are all home made.
Tonight was the first time we’d been to the Lantern Festival, but it definitely won’t be the last.

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