
By davidc

Prior Park, Bath

We've had a lovely day - and as you can see the weather was kind to us!

In the morning we visited the Magdalen Chapel, a beautiful little church with an interesting historical exhibition: "The exhibition traces the history of the Chapel from its origins to the present day - serving the adjoining hospice (hospital), a refuge for lepers, in the 12th c. and then for the mentally ill from the 16th to early 20th c's., before becoming a place of worship serving the local community." The involvement with lepers stemmed from the fact that it's outside the city walls.

After lunch we walked up (and up - Bath is built on many hills!) to visit Prior Park. As you can see from the photo, it's beautifully landscaped. It had been deteriorating but after being taken over by the National Trust 30 years ago it's been extensively renovated. The Palladian Bridge in the photo is one of only four bridges of this design in the world.

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