michigan man

By outdoorguy

Race Day

The Applefest festival is here at the local catholic church. A carnival, a rummage sale tent, and boatloads of apple products. Apple pie, apple crisp, apple cider, and apple donuts.

The festival includes a road race, where people both run and walk. 4 races are involved, a 10k (6.2 miles), a 5k (3.1 miles), a mile run, and a 1/4 mile teddy bear trot for the youngens. Son Jeff and his bride Heather walked the 5k, and baby Beckett got to do the race in the stroller.

Back in the day, I did the race a couple of times, but most years I had to work at the post office on Saturday. One year, Al (on Blip...Naturelover's husband) and I ran it, and he pulled me along for my best time ever.

The church really lucked out on the weather this year. It was really about perfect.

A lonesome Ferris wheel is in my extras. It was sunrise, and the giant ride is waiting for the onslaught of riders.

It is now 9 p.m., and we can hear the sounds of the carnival from our house. On the weekend, they go right up until midnight...when the city noise ordinance goes into effect.

Fun times, but not so much for us any more. Sometimes, we'll go down for a piece of pie, but most years we just stay home.

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