Everyday Life

By Julez

No Income Tax, No VAT...

Today started with a migraine as I was eating breakfast and trying to do Wordle. (I went wrong but managed it on the last guess!) The rest of the morning was spent on the sofa with the curtains closed and my hood up!

There was a fun event on in town today - soapbox racing down one of the gentler hills. It was very well attended despite overcast skies carrying through their threat of rain. The street they used is pretty narrow and very cramped. It was hard to see what was happening. 

I had my camera and managed a couple of shots of the start by holding it above my head and using the fold-out viewing screen, but that was very uncomfortable post-migraine and I feared setting it off again. I was annoying the bloke in front of me too, as my camera strap dangled on his bald head a couple of times.

Brian turned out to have found a better vantage point so I went to join him. There, I could use my phone to take photos and use the "best shot" option in the settings. This was much better than trying to get something with my camera.

Each team went down the course individually in their home made/designed carts. The ten fastest go through to a final round to win a trophy. Prizes are also awarded for the best dressed crew.There were entries from businesses, charities and just regular people. 

My Blip features Team Cushty - a group of friends who are clearly Del Boy fans.

We didn't hang about for the full event because of the rain and because I felt rough. Food and drink was available at the event from a variety of food trucks but it was very expensive. More than double the price we'd charge at the Burger Van for a cheeseburger for example.

Brian suggested going shopping at Heron at this point, which went down like a lead balloon with me. I persuaded him to go for lunch in Burger King instead. I love the sweet chilli halloumi they're currently doing. Do other sufferers find that migraines make them really hungry?

We are home now and I have chill out clothes on and am on the sofa watching a rather bad tempered Tottenham - Arsenal derby. Consequently posting this is taking ages.

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