
By Inglemantwo

EXPOSURE - Grindelwald day 3

 Today we went up into the mountains to a place called First ( pronounced Fersht - think Sean Connery)

It was a stunning outing in dazzling sunlight. Starting with a short bus ride then a 25 minute cable car journey to the the top 

There are several tourist attractions such as zip wires, downhill cycle paths, trekking trails, a restaurant  and  toilets 

And a cliff walk. And by cliff walk I mean a steel gantry that is suspended  from the cliff with drops of several thousand feet below. It is so close to the cliff in parts that the people with a head for heights have to stoop or duck to avoid hitting their head on the overhang.

There has been a lot of snow overnight so the steep approach to the walk is treacherous under foot...

Mrs I did the walk with our friend Sarah, who is on this amazing holiday with us.

I did not do the walk. The degree of exposure was just too much and I would not have enjoyed the gut wrenching drops.

Mrs I's grin when she came off the walk was worth the cost of this not cheap holiday. She had a fabulous time and cried. 

I did however make it to the viewing platform at the peak and the scenic views are just beyond words 

I have taken many pictures on the Nikon but cannot get them uploaded  so it will probably be phone camera photos for the duration and back blipping when I get home. I have another phone which I am trying to get set up for free wi fi in the hotel so my Ingleman account might start working soon.

Or not as the case may be 

More tomorrow.

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