A Daily Dose

By suejay50


After a great sleep we left the Travelodge for the venue for today's excitement - the ABBA Voyage, part of Eloise's birthday gift.  We had tickets for this afternoon's show and after parking the car and walking there we enjoyed a drink whilst sitting in the sunshine! 
The show was amazing - the lighting fantastic and the "group" were fabulous! So hard to realise they weren't really there, just holograms, as it was so well done. Thoroughly enjoyed singing along to those songs we knew.
We walked along where some of the Olympic Village had been - saw the velodrome and West Ham's arena.  This sculpture is still standing too.
A fabulous day and have walked my socks off...over 12,000 steps!
After the show we decided to drive home - an uneventful journey except we could not find a decent stop for a snack....Got home just before 9 o'clock and am ready for bed.

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