Look Out

By chrisf

Chestnut Cap

I woke up to heavy rain, and it just kept on going. Everywhere is incredibly wet.

My focus this morning was on the laundry - washing the past week’s clothes, and then tumble drying. The kitchen project means I haven’t got access to these facilities at home. I wasn’t expecting to use my camera much, but as the washing machine did its thing I noticed lots of bird activity outside the caravan so picked up my camera and took a few photos through the window. The one I particularly like is that of the female blackcap (she wears a chestnut cap). In extras, other birds I managed to photo (annoying that I missed quite a few others).

The weather underwent a complete transformation whilst I was at Leighton Moss in the afternoon. Apparently two otter families were seen this morning, but nothing this afternoon. But there were still things to see - I was nowhere as grumpy as the shovelor duck in extras.

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