Keith B

By keibr

Sunrise - 7 days before the equinox.

Up early enough to see the sunrise at 06:23. The clear night let all the previous day's heat fade away and we had the first frost of the season. It was a fairly gentle affair with a little whiteness on the grass but all the flowers survived. A few minutes after the sun came up even the frost on the grass melted away and we had another fine sunny day.
The last of the potatoes are lifted, and I started to prepare a new plot for next spring, digging up some fairly hefty weeds and long grass.
I also collected some blackberries for tomorrow's breakfast. There are still a few blackberries ripening up but the canes are starting to look much emptier now.
I was interested to compare this sunrise picture, taken 7 days before the equinox, with one I took on the 8 April, 18 days after the spring equinox.
The extra 11 days shows up quite clearly with the sun rising closer to north, or on the photo further to the left than in today's blip.

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