Autumn sun
K was at the Riding of he Marches so no Coffee Club. I spent the first part of the morning finalising the London trip. I've booked to see the NYT at the historic Wilton's Music Hall and I'm waiting to hear back from the Tower Hamlets Cemetery folk about Rearden graves. I also did quite a lot of work - composing interview questions and sorting out grant info. It was overcast outside but not too cold.
After lunch to the garden. By the end of the afternoon, with a short break as a shower went over, the brown bin was overflowing and there are piles of rubbish in other bins but I've pretty much finished the back (or as much as needs done at present) and started on the front. I could have continued but there doesn't seem much point until I sort the brown bin situation.
Then it was time to feed cats. I've been blaming Alfie for being incontinent but a second drip in 2 days made me check and there is a leak which necessitated a call to #3 son. Just as well he has me visiting.
It was a beautiful evening and I took photos but with the camera not my phone. The phone appears to be taking pictures but not processing them. The need to get to Currys is increasing.
Opened the Arbikie gin, ate dinner and watched the end of 'Sherwood'. I felt like with a lot of these series the first season was better, and punchier than the second.
My hips are screaming after yesterday's yoga and the gardening. But it's good for me, isn't it?
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