
By windychickens

Lake Geneva

We met for breakfast and then headed out. It was sunny and the sky was beautifully clear but it was so windy! And after a bus ride to the lake, we discovered that the wind was making Lake Geneva very rough - no boats, ferrys and, as we discovered through the day, very few people swimming.

But we found one ‘beach’, stripped and went in. Water was 17’ but wonderful. We then crossed over the bridge and found another calmer place to swim and even shelter to change.

We warmed up with a hot drink and cake and boarded another bus to take us up the other side of the lake. We found a cafe on a jetty for some lunch and then headed for our 3rd swim in a kind of ‘lido’ - a wooden ring built in the lake but adding some protection from the wind. It was deep enough for diving in so that added to the exhilaration.

After drying off a tad, we caught buses back to our hotel, and, after a brief pause, went out in search of fondue with the help of some locals Susie knew, who then, wonderfully, joined us for supper.

The fondue was incredible.

We have had a wonderful wonderful day. We’ve swum 3 times in Lake Geneva!!! And there’s more tomorrow. The 8 of us are a great group. Some met for the first time yesterday, but you wouldn’t know it.

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