talloplanic views

By Arell

All good things

Backblip because tired

Also backblip because it took seven attempts to post my picture: the first failed with "invalid dimensions".  I knew I shouldn't have tried to upload a four-dimensional image.  In the process it also ate all my text.  The second failed in the same way, as did the third even as my replacement text got sparser and sparser.  After that I couldn't be bothered and went to bed.  It's now tomorrow and I resized the photo right down to see if that worked instead.  It didn't, three times, and it took Photoshop and a completely recreated file to upload successfully.

I had a lazy morning of cups of tea and reading, a lazy lunch of watching a couple of mini-documentaries on YouTube, and then set to washing Miss Mirabel before installing a new chain.  It's always nicer wrenching on a clean bike than a mucky one.  But since I had a bucketful of car shampoo, I washed Madame Fidra first, since we will be going on holiday and she wanted to look her best when she sees her best friend Biscuit again.  Then I put the new chain on, which took your seasoned bicycle mechaneuse far longer than it should have done because I didn't put Mirabel up on the workstand, with the wheels off the ground.

After tea I realised I was getting a headache.  Argh!  I'd not had one for about a fortnight, which was pretty amazing.  I guess I had a good run.  So I went out in the fresh air and cycled to the shops for milk, and marvelled at how smooth the bike's drivetrain was...but the damn cranks are still clicking!  So now I really am running out of things to try, although you could say there are fewer things it can possibly be.

The headache continued and I ended up taking something for it, while gradually zonking out the rest of my evening with Classic FM and chatting on and off with lovely BikerBabe.

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