
By Winsford


A misty morning dip today. The mist came down shortly before we arrived and had lifted by the time we'd finished.  

I did another yoga when I got back and then pottered around the house. 

We then welcomed HazelH and MrHazel who stopped for a coffee and some cake on their drive down south. It was lovely to see them both and to hear about their recent holiday.  A piece of our old carpet left with them.

I then had my weekly zoom call with my Cànan Caraid  - we spoke about (in Gaelic) making rugs from sheep's fleece and needle-felting and swimming, reflecting different and shared interests. It is good to have time to talk about things you are interested in, which in turn is helpful for language development.

Shnàmh mi sa mhadainn. Bha i cèothach. Chòrd rium. Bha HazelH 's MgrHazel H a' ceilidh orm. Bha e math am faicinn.  Bhruidhinn mi ri cànan caraid. 

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