Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Craigs and the T-Wood

A grey and drizzly start to the day. Just as I have my shower, the water pressure suddenly drops, I didn't think any of it as twin 1 has the habit of turning the taps full on when washing his hands. However, after breakfast, only a trickle comes out of the kitchen tap.

After changing the bedding, I go for a wee walk around the park. Extra shows some lovely colours on trees in the park. When I get home, we have managed to get enough water in the kettle for morning coffee. A bit of time relaxing before lunch.

After lunch, partner and I head for our afternoon walk to Swanston. The main blip, shows Caerketton Hill and its Craigs, and the T-Wood in the foreground, leaves are beginning to yellow on the trees. Unfortunately we get there just as a very light ran shower passes by. The sun quickly reappears, and the rest of the walk is sunny. We spot one of the Swanston deer resting in a horse paddock. 

A bit cloudy while we have coffee, but light rain doesn't appear. Sunshine for the rest of the day. But the sun sets early now, and the curtains are drawn at 7:30pm.. 

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