An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sleeping beauty...

Dreaming of the deer she met on Gleneagles moor today :-)

I had a much better sleep last night.  Woke feeling quite refreshed and a lot better than I did yesterday morning.

Lauren popped round at 11.30am to do my nails.  Since having them done for Andrew and Nikki's wedding in July I've become quite attached to having a monthly manicure!  

After lunch I cut D's hair.  Well ran the clippers over his head.  It's not been cut since he before he went to Spain then he was stuck indoors with covid and now his barber is on holiday.  He was beginning to look like Our Wullie!
All sorted now though :-)

He had to go to Perth for his flu jab this afternoon.  He thought he was getting his covid jab too but for some reason that wasn't on the list for him.  He should get it automatically because of Alan so he's been advised to speak to his GP as that's who allocates the code number to patients dictating what vaccinations they should get.  Alan and I get ours on 30th October.

It was such a lovely day weather wise and if the forecast is to be believed, it should be sunny all this week.  Hoping it's true.

Decided that Mairi's thistle is indeed complete and have sealed the slate with matt varnish so she can leave it outside if she wishes.  Pleased and relieved to get that commission out of the way :-)  

Meeting with our garden man tomorrow who wants a painting for his two young sons, so the stress will begin again! lol! 


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