An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

And the whole world did...

...and I did listen to Kate :-)

Another sunny day!  And warm!  It's supposed to be sunny all week.  Might get D to put the cushions on the garden furniture!

D was off to Leven to play golf by 10am.  I had the excitement of trying on a new bra that I had ordered online.  

People of a nervous disposition please feel free to skip the next paragraph.

Since losing weight my boobs have been rattling round the cups of my current over-shoulder-boulder-holders apologies...for a second there it seems I became 13 again! and although I did buy some smaller cupped bras earlier in the year, they are still a little on the large size.  Yes, yes, I know I should go and get properly measured but frankly I can't be arsed it's too embarrassing much hassle.  Maybe when my melons become oranges I will treat myself to a proper fitting.  Until then I will rely on a method of self measure as I tried it on and guess fits!  Woo hoo!  I will buy a couple more in this size but that is all as I am still losing weight (intentionally :-) slowly but surely and bras are too expensive to not get full wear out of.  Hmmm....another expenditure that women have that men don't, but that's a rant for another day...

Had a notion for toast and banana for lunch so that's what I had, then house to myself (Alan and Vickie had gone to Edinburgh) I took my coffee and headed to the studio and spent a lovely couple of hours listening to Kate and painting cards for the October and November birthdays.  

N & D our fabulous gardeners were here in the afternoon tackling the side garden, which has quickly become overgrown with all the rain over the last few months.  What a transformation!  Everything cut back and tidied up ready for *whisper* winter.

N wants me to do a couple of paintings for his little boys so had a chat with him about what he would like. He's given me some info about his boys (age 3 & 6 and super cute :-) so I can personalise them, and he will speak to his wife re. colours and let me know.  Now Mairi's thistle is done I can start stressing about this commission!  :-))

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