Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A sunflower in the Parish Church garden.

The Feast Day of Saint Brogan. 7th century Irish Abbot.

The Feast Day of Saint Robert Bellarmine. Born 1542. A Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Tuscany. Italy.

Today began cold, 11c, and there was a heavy dew, but it soon warmed up and is now 19c.

The washing dried on the line quickly this morning. Paul noticed a little robin on the bird table.
I found a big spider in the saucer of a ginger plant I am growing from a root bought in the supermarket. I asked Paul to put it in the garden, so he tipped it carefully into the hedge. I feel happier it is not in the conservatory but Holly is a champion insect catcher. She can pounce on spiders, flies, and dragonflies.

I went to the Parish Church for a newsletter then walked to Cut Wood Park. It was beautiful there with the dappled sunlight on the path.

There were quite a few dog walkers about as it is gloriously warm and sunny.

I saw three Red Admiral butterflies and one Peacock on a buddleia bush in Colin's old garden. He moved into a care home over a year ago and his bungalow was sold. His garden was his pride and joy. Builders are making an extra room in the roof and extending the ground floor rooms. So far, many lovely trees and shrubs remain.
Colin was the Project Manager of the green group I belonged to for over 10 years, before the pandemic closed it down. They were happy times, planting, watering and weeding flowerbeds on the station and alongside the canal. We were part of The Prospect's Foundation, the eco friendly umbrella charity based in Accrington.

It is lunchtime now.

Have a lovely Tuesday blip friends and I hope your weather is as warm and pleasant as ours.

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