Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Ooops no cash available today…

Luckily I’m more of a card than cash person so no problem for me.

Today I saw my GP and heard what she thought about my op. She was surprised to see that I had a fistula but said that would explain why I’ve suffered so much.

She also re-referred me to the rheumatologists asking that I see a different doctor. This is the process for changing rheumatologists. I’ve lost all confidence in my current rheumatologist after he prescribed a drug I was taken off about 12 years ago since it was not treating my RA effectively. And to add to that he was often so rude. I’m not one to be bullied but in this case I didn’t want to be noted as someone who is argumentative to the doctors. I will now be offered an appointment with the first available of the three visiting rheumatologists. This could take at least a month to six weeks depending on their scheduled visits. My GP said she has an appointment with her rheumatologist this coming Thursday and offered to contact to rheumatology team and ask them to give her appointment to me because hers is just a general check up and can wait. How kind is that! I thanked her but said that while I’m recovering from the op I can do little anyway so the wait will matter less than if I was raring to go. I always knew that this GP was like a Rottweiler if she thought one of her patients was being short-changed. But she is even more caring than I had realised!

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