BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Monday ............

 ............ sunset from the front garden.

Am after some advice, please.  Pretty please.
For a couple of months I have noticed that Whisper seems a little "vague" and a lot less like himself - he's lost some a lot of sparkle, should we say.   He's sleeping more, eating more and doing a fair bit of gazing into space at times.   He's almost 11.
I've been doing some reading up and suspect Canine Cognitive Decline (CCD) - the locum vet at our practice has little empathy/sympathy (with Whisper and with me  -  I mentioned him a couple of weeks back and the horrible experience we had).   I suspect he won't be particularly helpful.
Has anyone had experience of this with their dog?  Have you any advice or suggestions to help?  

I'm emotional at the best of times and watching him, sometimes, is breaking my heart.   He seems reasonably happy in himself, eating well and drinking well, seems to be no pain but just this vagueness and some slight disorientation.   I have tears even writing this - I'm a soppy Bear!!!

All thoughts welcome.  Thank you.

~ Anni ~

This is Monday uploaded on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.

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