A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Sunshine again!

We have a shoe cupboard which we have had for around 20 years, bought in Ikea.  It has stored many of our shoes over the years.  It is a sturdy piece, but has a weakness in that the brackets are plastic.  We have had to renew them before, but yesterday one collapsed on us again.

But Ikea is an amazing place, and this morning we went to their store and were given replacements (they gave us five just to be generous) and all is well again.  Great value, although if they had made the brackets of metal in the first place replacement might not have been necessary..... perhaps it would have been much more pricey though.

Anyhow, that was our morning, and we had lunch there too.  I had their prawn and egg open sandwich, which is what I always have, while Bob had meatballs.  

Just got home in time to go to the Circle.  We had a talk on old Glasgow, which was very interesting.  A nice cuppa and chat and then a wee walk in the sunshine on the way home. 

And the only photograph I took was of this Geranium. 

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