
By Wanderers13

It’s art

We have passed this a number of times with the hydrangea and other plant, (a hop?) climbing all over the frame. 

It is rare to see an adult on a new looking cycle, there are numerous places for them to leave bikes, in the railway station there is a huge area given over to cycle wracks with  two layers of stands for those who can lift and negotiate their bike to that height.  Today we spotted a tricycle for two and several tandems. The most worrying sight was of two young lads, aged around 10, on small electric bikes going at great speed on the cycle path. It was a concern to think how they would react quickly if need be. We have seen other children on electric bikes, their speed was manageable. And nobody of any age wears a helmet. 

A much quieter day with a visit to the hairdresser for me, a lovely young woman cut my hair, and she like everyone else we have met was happy to speak English. 

John arrived into the town centre just as I was leaving the salon, we browsed for a few minutes before having lunch, all very pleasant. Another sunny day, mostly, I was told it will stay like this for a few more days. 

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