secret garden

By freespiral


Well I couldn't cope with eyes so you get Iris, Greek Goddess of the rainbow, the link between the mortals and the gods, bestowed of nectar and possible mother of Eros. I had a fine time with my prism creating rainbows., made even more exciting by the fact that we've had wall to wall sunshine and warmth - all day.
It's been a bit of a cosmic time. Last night I was literally Moon bathing, a big fat Moon with a halo beamed down at me in my bath. and later cast interesting shadows on the bed.
Today I happened to glance at my business bank account and was astonished to see it looking very healthy - I mean very healthy. On perusal it seems someone paying for some books had accidentally added an extra nought! Oops. I had t spend a fair time wrestling with card readers, mobiles, computers and codes to reimburse the money.
More working in the garden, another bed sorted and then a swim. The wind has turned to the SE  and Kitchen Cove was breezy but the water was pleasant. All good.

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