secret garden

By freespiral

Vintage Cupan Tae ...

I know not how it may be with others
Who sit amid relics of householdry
That date from the days of their mothers' mothers,
But well I know how it is with me

I see the hands of the generations
That owned each shiny familiar thing
In play on its knobs and indentations,
And with its ancient fashioning
Still dallying:....
From Old Furniture by Thomas Hardy

A beautiful day  - we've worked hard in the garden, apples gathered in, the last blackberries picked,  herbs and other exuberant but faded plants cut back. Lunch was enjoyed down by the pond where it was positively hot! Later we had a swim, rather lovely - the extra shows the water. Gorgeous.
And there's a new blog . And we've started getting organised for the next expedition to New Zealand with some accommodation booked - hoping for late January and all of February. Now to tackle the flights!

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