Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just Hanging Around

I thought I'd grab a shot of one of my last monarch cats j-hanging.  They spin a silk pad and then inch their way over it until they can secure their bottom to it at which point they release and hang.  Depending on conditions, they may hang in this position up to 24 hours or even longer.  Within an hour or so of transforming into a chrysalis, their skin starts to loosen and the antennae go flaccid.  The actual pupation takes maybe 1-2 minutes so you really have to in the right place/right time to see it.  One cat still eating but he'll be ready to spin his pad very soon.

Jax had a little gastrointestinal issue this morning - fortunately he is excellent about being insistent when he needs to go out.  Poor guy definitely seemed distressed by the whole business though.  His appetite is fine and he's drinking plenty of water so I don't think it is anything serious.  Maybe one of the endless leaves he insists on chewing on disagreed with him.  He wasn't feeling so poorly that he couldn't grab my socks and run around the house with them this morning, so I think all is probably fine.

My parents got their covid jabs yesterday and, as usual, had no ill effects.  Interestingly, one of my besties got hers on Friday and was down for the count for 2 days - and she's never had a reaction before!

Peg and I both got online this morning for a pilates balance and strength class today. Kicked both of us but it's a good class and I like the instructor.  It's being offered through one of the AARP chapters - Wyoming, I think.

Another gorgeous day and more to come.  I'm soaking it all up.


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