Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Not everyone likes images like this with the very shallow DOF, but I find them appealing.  I'd usually try to shoot something like this with a macro lens at f2.8 but what I had in hand was my 300mm f/4 lens so that that's what I used.  Not a competition-worthy image, but it will do for today.  

It's been kind of a lazy day for me which is fine.  I've done a few things around the house, pottered in the garden with Jax, tended to my last feeding caterpillar and done some google research on a few things.  I have also made a second attempt to reach the audiology office to schedule an appointment.  The practice has a new owner and so far, I am not impressed.  I left a voice message yesterday morning and an email message this morning and still nothing.  Makes no sense to me.  If possible, I'd like to stay at this office since they have all my records, but that won't be possible if I can't get an appointment!  

I was up in the wee hours last night so got to see the big harvest moon.  I am not sure what time the eclipse happened but seeing the huge moon was lovely.  It was as if someone had turned on the lights outside.  

Jax is fully recovered from his gastro ordeal.  I am sure it was just something he ate - he's definitely of the "eat first, ask questions later" mentality.  At the moment, he is sacked out on the sofa next to me, dead to the world.

Two new hummingbirds showed up last evening and are still in the garden today.  They've been taking full advantage of flowers and nectar feeders.  I also saw two red-eyed vireos working the tree line at the edge of our woods today - way too far for decent shots but I was able to get good enough images to at least positively identify them.  We also have an oddly colored gray squirrel hanging around now.  Instead of a white belly, hers is a rufous color.  I'll put a shot in Extra.  She's colored like a fox squirrel but is definitely a gray.  


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