An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A peacock visited today...

Another glorious day of sunshine :-)

Billy, the painter, arrived early and was already painting the outside of the Gin Palace when I got downstairs.  Told him we've chosen the paint for the kitchen and garden room.  He will get in touch before he's ready to start to give us time to clear everything.  Think he's hoping to get started fairly soon.  

D and I headed to a new (to us) place for lunch today, the Cart Shed at Rait Antiques Centre.  We ended up there once years ago by mistake when looking for Abernyte Arts and Antiques Centre, and realised our error and didn't go in.  I wish we had as it's lovely!  

I know it's changed hands recently so I can't vouch for the quality of the previous cafe (although I believe it was good :-) but I can say that our lunch was absolutely delicious!  A mug of baked potato, cheese and bacon soup with a roast beef, chilli jam and gouda toastie made using delicious thick cut artisan bread.  The accompanying salad was beautifully dressed and the coleslaw was lush!  All served in a fabulous country setting in the beautiful Perthshire landscape (Pic of the cafe in extras and the amazing homemade baking!)

After lunch we had a wander round all the little antique shops that are housed in the stone buildings (ex farm buildings) surrounding the cafe.  Lots to see.  Made a couple of purchases including my first Christmas gift!  

Spent just enough time doing that to work up the appetite for coffee and a little something sweet.  Scone with clotted cream and jam for D and a slice of Bakewell Blondie for me.  Heaven on a plate!

From there we headed further up the road to the aforementioned Abernyte Antiques and Arts Centre as I'd seen a little bird sculpture when we were there recently, that I thought would look good in the garden room once it's re-decorated.  I didn't buy it as at that point I wasn't 100% sure of the colour the room would be.  Of course it was gone!  Damn.  I knew I should've just bought it!  Never mind, we did get a funky ceramic fish for Alan to add to the collection on the pool wall and some lovely Skye Candle Company candles to take to our friends N & J when we visit next month, so not a wasted trip.

We then headed home and with the sun still shining, we sat in the garden enjoying it for a couple of hours.  The catmint was full of buzzing bees and butterflies.  It's the first time this year I've seen any butterflies in the garden and there were loads.  It made me so happy.  Better late than never.

Whilst we sat in the garden, Lola was all over the pair us being really affectionate and wanting cuddles.  D thinks a noise outside spooked her this morning, as when he came downstairs she wanted lots of cuddles.  Pics of Lola cuddles in extras.

No dinner for us this evening as lunch was so filling.  Just a bagel and a cuppa.  Love a no hassle evening :-))

Another sunny day forecast tomorrow but not quite so warm, then back to rubbish on Friday.  Sigh.  

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