A time for everything

By turnx3

Out with the guys … again!

Today, we were back at Caesar Creek, having another sail with Phil and a couple of other guys, Joe and Jon. Phil did have an ulterior motive in inviting us, or at least the guys, up, since when we were done, he wanted to get the mast down, so he could tow it home, and this is really a three man job. He has bought a new spinnaker sail for it, the fitting of which involves drilling holes in the mast among other things. We had agreed to meet up there at 11am. The original forecast had called for the chance of showers in the afternoon, but when we got up this morning, they had removed the chance. There were more clouds around today than there have been, but as last week, there was still a distinct lack of wind! Most of the time we were having to rely on the electric motor - just about the last half hour did we make progress purely under sail! We packed it in shortly before 3pm and returned to the dock. The taking down of the mast and readying the boat for being towed all went smoothly, and we were on our way home soon after 4pm. I don’t know whether Phil will be returning the boat to the lake this year, but it will quite likely be our last sail for the year.
When we got home, Roger went out to run some errands, and I got on with some ironing

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