The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Celebrating Helen

Lots happened today. Got up early and took Shelly in for his checkup after his TIA last week. Then we ate breakfast out. Then he stayed home and I spent the rest of my day with many friends. From 1:00 to 3:00 there was a celebration of life for my art friend Helen Dorn. It was great to reconnect with friends and remember together what a wonderful person Helen was. There was poetry and music. And words from her children and friends and neighbors. It was moving and tinged with sadness but also joy. It ended with a bagpiper playing “Amazing Grace.” After an hour at home I headed out again to a small gathering of close friends at Helen’s house. I was especially happy to spend time with Helen’s daughter Elisa whom I’ve known and loved for a long time. When I get home Shelly and I watched a zen-like movie called “Perfect Days” and crossed over to his condo to the light of a full moon in clouds.

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