curns' corner

By curns

99 Days

I had no ill effects from the red wine last night, which was great. I don't usually drink red wine, but that's what everybody drinks, which goes with the evening. My 40-minute morning walk helped clear any cobwebs that might have been left over.

Last night, on the way home, I posted a picture of my Christmas Countdown calendar on Instagram. One hundred days always sounds like a long way off. We're already down to 99 days. A note from the Tai Chi class confirmed the next term "runs from next week, the 23rd of September, and will end the week of the 16th of December". It's the Christmas term, so it's getting closer.

A reasonably quiet day at work. I am waiting for many materials from people, so I don't have as many development 'stories' ready to go as I would like. 

A lovely birthday card arrived from A. She has been to Stirling and thought that a card from my alma mater (does anybody use that phrase in the UK?) would be nice; and it was lovely. Plus is came with a very thoughtful message. We must arrange a catch-up soon.

At the end of the day, I ended up napping before dinner. I suspect last night did catch up with me in the end. We had leftover chicken from Sunday's roast, and we watched the previous Dead Boy Detectives, which set itself up nicely for Season 2, which won't be coming. It wasn't aimed at my demographic, but I enjoyed it and thought it was original.

Previously: 2022, 2023

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