That Will Do!

By flumgummery

We decided it was time to use our last free coffee allowance at Dobbies then take our walk. However, the hot-water system had broken down at the main servery and there was an extremely long queue at the other and we cut our losses and went to the Storehouse in Penicuik instead - it's a nice cross-country route between the two.

It's so nice to see fresh flowers on the tables, ours had Sedum, Ragged Robin, Nigella and an unusual addition of this yellow Avens, a Wood Avens, (Geum urbanum)

Afterwards we popped into Lidl but by the time we had finished we abandoned the idea of a walk and came home to do useful things.

And the extra is for flavia13, on our way between coffee stops two Chinook helicopters flew over - is this a coincidence or are the RAF up to surveillance of Blippers? Heavily cropped photo grabbed through windscreen as Mr Flum continued to drive.

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