
By Stella2


Another lovely sunny day and I was off to the morning Zumba class.  It was great fun.  Later in the morning I decided to visit Bystock Pools since it was such lovely weather.  I took my long lease with the object of catching whatever dragonflies and butterflies were still around.  Last time I visited the heather was in full bloom but now a lot of the flowers are fading and the ferns are beginning to die off.  There were still several dragonflies around in various parts.  This lovely red one looked very attractive and seemed to prefer sitting around on this wooden panel on the ground.  I'm not sure exactly what species it is but I did wonder what it is doing with its front legs as it seems to be rubbing them together. I also spent some time trying to get shots of an Emperor dragonfly in flight but they do move very quickly.  I did achieve it but they were rather a long way away.  I need more practice and time.

A lovely short walk and time in the sun before returning home to sort all the practical things that needed to be done.  My husband returned from his cycle trip, very tired but they had a very enjoyable time and such good weather for it.

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