Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


something of a theme for me today.

I took our car in for a service, which was fine, and then walked ‘round the corner to catch the bus home. Half an hour later when two buses had failed to turn up, a bus came along with "sorry, out of service" written on the front. The driver must have read my lips ("oh FFS”) as he stopped and gave me a lift to the edge of town, explaining that there had been a fire alarm at the bus station which had closed it down. Hence no buses.

Went to see Lee tonight, the story of Lee Miller. Very good, totally absorbing and harrowing. It genuinely transported me. Recommended..

Saw this boat on the Basingstoke canal. A slower form of transport than either cars or buses.

Have invented a new cocktail to celebrate my 66th birthday tomorrow …

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