A time for everything

By turnx3

Beautiful downtown Montgomery

It was a more cloudy start this morning, but it still warmed up to a pretty hot day. I was home in the morning doing laundry and ironing, as we’re off again tomorrow - yes I know, we’re never home, I can hear you say. This trip was Laura’s idea. She wanted a family vacation, and wanted to go to the Pacific Northwest. So we are flying to Seattle tomorrow afternoon, and Jen, Laura and Liam are flying in early Saturday morning. Our plan was to do a tour of the Boeing plant on Friday, and we had booked tickets, but unfortunately Boeing workers are on strike, so we have received a refund!
I had a hair appointment at lunch time, which I was desperately in need of. I am trying a new hairdresser, since my former one had retired, and I guess it will take a while for her to do it exactly how I want it. After my appointment I had a bit of a walk around downtown Montgomery, taking a few photos. They always do such a nice job of their summer floral plantings. Roger was out for lunch with the lads, so I thought I would treat myself to lunch out too! Then it was back to the packing. I’m trying to pack light, since there will be 5 adults in the car, but I’m not very good at that! Fortunately, we don’t have long drives between stops, so hopefully we’ll manage!

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