
By schorschi

Farrier Day

Managed to get up late afternoon to go out & see Dieter who was here to do Asyr & Sultan. The horse flies were particularly annoying made worse by Angie not finding the fly blanket which I had "tidied" away a few days ago! Did you know it's only the female horse flies that bite & suck blood, the males are peace loving and in to plants & nectar. I guess nature just reflects the real human world, you just need to compare the female & male colourings!!

I guess after moaning from October to May, I ought to see the empty rain water cisterns as a positive. However a few hours (night) rain would not be unwelcome. Don't like using the hose as I can never remember (apart from rhododendrons) what not to water with our very limey water.

Hope all have a great weekend with your Pimms & BBQ's. I will have to stick to beer as Pimms ran out two years ago! Mr & MrsB coming tomorrow for BBQ, just hope it doesn't turn out like last Sunday when Oliver (luckily) took control of the BBQ and did a fantastic job - all the various meats were superbly cooked and nothing was burnt. If I had been grillmaster, it would have been inedible! Oliver & Co seem to be having a wonderful time in Croatia.

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