Very slow smoked chicken

For years I have been wanting to do a BBQ "Beer Can Roast Chicken". Yesterday boughtv the frozen bird and started preparing in the afternoon with a multitude of herbs & spices, oils & honeys. Once very amptly covered in the stuff, hunted around for a beer can before it struck me I haven't bought a can of beer for about 20 years - they are seldom at the best of times in Germany and even more rare since the deposit rule was expanded to cans. Hunted around ... cats food tin didn't seem right and the only others were Heinz Baked Beans but wasn't too happy with a) having to eat a can of beans first b) if tin cans were suitable (as opposed to aluminium.

Gave up and adapted, with Angie's help a roasting tin and ramekin dishes but it didn't look inspiring.

Also thought it time to try out the smoker function of the BBQ as the aim with the chicken is to cook slowly at around 100-120°C. Was quite difficult to get the heat and keep it constant. Probably should have used more charcoal and make a hotter fire which one could more easily reduce the temperature. Increasing it takes time.

Did add a little apple tree wood I had to give the "smoked" taste.

It took hours, much more than planned. Angie gave up and went to bed hungry. After x hours (at least twice as long as expected) I attacked the thing. The skin was inedible, worse than a well hung pair of Doc Martens (a German design/invention taken over by a British company). The meat had a very distinct smoked taste. Don't know if it was the rub or the apple wood or the combination. Discovered I don't personally really care for the taste but can imagine it would have been approved by those that like it. The meat texture was wonderful. Thoroughly cooked but amazingly moist and yet "firm".

Note .... very little of the beer had evaporated. Perhaps the thermometer is faulty.

Won't repeat again quickly, on time concerns alone and apart from that the jacket potatoes didn't cook!

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