
By YellowBalloon

Lovely Wallington

A visit to Wallington today - a National Trust property in Northumberland.  It is one of my favourite NT places.  We had a bit of trouble getting there - there was a very poorly signposted diversion but we made and it was well worth it.  

Weather was beautiful and we had lunch sitting in deckchairs in one of the gardens.  

Wallington has been owned by some famous Northumberland families.  Initially it was the Fenwicks (no relation to the man who opened the famous department store as far as I can tell), the Blacketts (who made their money from lead and coal mining and have a street in Newcastle named after them) and finally the Trevelyan's who were originally from Cornwall.  The last owner of Wallington (Sir Charles Trevelyan) was a Liberal and Labour MP.  Despite having a son and heir he handed Wallington Hall and the 13,000 estate over to the National Trust.  The family continued to live there until the late sixties.

I have attached a couple of extras.   

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