An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Flower power...

Not much to report as today has kind of slipped by in a gentle haze.

Despite sleeping well I had a lie in.  I was awake at 7.30am as D was getting organised to play in a charity golf day being run by a golf pal in aid of prostate cancer.  Bid him farewell and settled down to read my book for an hour and next thing I knew I was opening my eyes and it was 10.50am!  Oops!

Lunch was a bowl of granola whilst sitting in the side garden enjoying the sun.  Such a shame that the weather forecast goes downhill from tomorrow.

Spent the afternoon in the studio working on the acrylic seascape.  Interesting progression and a change to the composition.  It's a long way from being finished.

D arrived back from the charity golf match just after 4.30pm.  He was happy with his round and enjoyed a late lunch of steak pie.  No dinner for him so just a sandwich for me, now tearing my hair out enjoying doing the weekly online Tesco order and coming up with dinners for the week.  

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