View From The Study

By StudyView


Hope was chosen to help out at the Bird of Prey centre demonstration. Not sure she knew that meant a Gyr/Peregrine would be eating dead chicken off her head as part of the entertainment.

We stayed for the whole afternoon, both sets of demonstrations, although the second one was disrupted by a Honey Buzzard from the wild and possibly another wild bird that had the captive ones all spooked. I got some great captures, not all of them perfect, but this was the best Blip one. Have a great Barn Owl in flight capture that if it is totally in focus is worth some work, and maybe a proper print. There are enough spaces opening up on the walls at home.

Still very hot; girls surprisingly getting on despite the heat - maybe too hot to squabble. We'll see if that lasts for tomorrows bike ride. In this heat it could be a bit much.

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