Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The Moon was high in the morning sky when I went to wait for the bus, and a raven flew over my head as the bus arrived. I couldn't stare after it as much as I wanted, because the bus was coming and going within the same second. 

At work the bosses had a morning meeting and me and my coworker started with what we thought would be done. After the morning meeting they had about 20 minutes before the next meeting and I was assigned to get as much flowers I could within those 20 minutes (since I was the only one left with a card to unlock the cash machine when they'd gone to their meeting). So I went up to cut some Dahlias and zinnias in the flower beds higher up in the park. One of the bosses came to help and managed to harvest a bunch of flowers before the meeting. Then I took care of all the flowers, took care of customers, handled a customer leaving his plants for the winter (as we have a 'hotel' for plants during the winter months): He had an appointment later, when the bosses meeting were about to end, but since he was here I told him we could take care of it all then and there. It was the first I handled on my own.
After the break coworkers had no chores, so I looked at our 'chore board' and asked them what they thought about doing 'this', and they agreed. They did misunderstand me, but did find a similar chore so it was all good. Then next coworker came, without chore, so again we looked at the 'chore board' and I asked him if he could check the newly arrived plants for lice, and he agreed to that. They were healthy and were transported inside later. 
Another coworker and I had a planning meeting for our two weeks of display on our large table (in the shop area), and we have a lot of ideas to get started with already next week. So much fun to have free creative reins (of course we run them through with the boss, but so far nothings been turned down) to do what we want. And, it will be possible for our customers to buy what we create and display.
After everything going on I asked to be excused from the cash machine duties, because I was so tired that the light was on in my brain, but nobody was home... No problem and one of the bosses managed the cash machine while I went back to counting seeds to sow in pots. This was my first full 50% week, so I'm a bit tired and happy, so happy, it's Friday!

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