Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The full moon was going down when I went to work this morning. Beautiful in the morning sky. Happy I got to see it. :)

At work it was the same routine... taking care of yesterdays flowers and cutting new ones as replacements and for bouquets. 2 were sold before I went home.
Then I sowed some perennials that'd been dug up and eaten (or hidden as a winter snack) by mice.
And I had a customer that was trying my patience... He wanted help with how to plant wild strawberry plants in his garden and apparently his companion knew what to do but they wanted something... I'm not sure... He asked if I knew French, because his companion spoke mostly French and I said that I only knew a few words, so he wanted to know if someone else spoke French, but he spoke English with his companion... I did speak some French, but changed to English when explaining that new soil had all the nutrients for small plants, but perhaps it was liquid nutrients they were after and that we don't sell. And then he wanted his companion to work with us, and I tried to explain to him that it's not that kind of work place. I didn't know how to get him to realise it's not a company you can go in and ask for work at... Fortunately one of the bosses came, so I handed him over to her. And I heard she'd explained this to him before with another companion he came in with. My advice took them to another garden centre and I was glad when they went... I did speak with two of the bosses afterwards about this man and he's a peculiar one apparently.
So tired after this and luckily I had back up with customers and could sit and count seeds instead. That is, I was sowing different kinds of herbs in pots with a certain number seeds in every pot.

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