talloplanic views

By Arell

Flir Friday

I'm not entirely happy with the installation of my front door because there is a gap between the frame and the concrete floor.  I don't know why they did it that way.  Gaps can be filled, but right now a bit of cold air is coming in because it's leaking through the brickwork where the cavity wall insulation isn't.  Normally brickwork isn't full of holes but the mortar is a bit rubbish and the render on the outside is cracked at best, and missing at worst.  So it was time to fire up the thermal camera and take a look.  The irony is that the door itself is performing very well, and about a million times better than the old door.

I failed to have a mostly half-day at work in the office because there were too many loose ends to deal with before Holz.  I was so busy I also failed to photograph the next in my series of keepcup activity and then phorgot that it was Phonebox Phriday. Afterwards, I cycled through town and failed to have tea with Mum and Dad because they were out when I arrived.  So I cycled home, and promptly broke a plate when making tea, so that was a good fail too.  I shall have to get Aralditing tomorrow.

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