
By Farmerboab

The Jaws of Death strike again......

This is what happens when Mrs F drops a fork and the terrier pup buggers off with it !
Will need to re name him Uri Gellar !
After Thursday's glorious sunshine we are back to drizzle and pea soup east coast harr.
Kev on carting home wheat bales,me on filling more barley into the bin.
Nipped away at lunch time to feed the heifers down the road, then home via the New Holland dealership for some more rolls of net wrap for the baler as supplies are getting low ,and still have a lot of acres to go yet.
A family night tonight as Littlemiss back from St Andrews uni for tonight only,and Junior and girlfriend came out to stay the night too. ( Mainly for Littlemiss to get her washing done,and him to eat everything in the house !)
Forecast for Saturday not much better .
Ho hum.

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